My 20-Year Journey in the Creative World

My path into coaching

I never planned to get into coaching.

I had reached a point when I had to admit I was missing something - human connection. I had worked on my own for too long.

I was 15 years into my graphic design business, and a client contacted me to tell me why she had delayed her branding project. Her family had been to hell and back, and I was digesting some difficult information.

A month or so later, I met a coach at a workshop. I told him about what had happened. It wasn't the first time someone felt they could unload their mental load onto me; what did it mean? He immediately noticed that I was good at listening, which made people trust me, and asked: have you thought of coaching? No, I hadn't.

It makes sense I do a lot of active listening in my design career and love to see others succeed, so with his help, and after experiencing some brilliant coaching for myself, I embarked on a series of courses to retrain as a coach.

I decided to niche with creative people, particularly freelance creatives because it is what I know. I have worked in the creative industry since the late 80s.

I have since worked in many different settings, doing many different kinds of graphic design, so I have a lot of experience to underline my coaching skills.

Over the last few years, I have unpacked my working experience as a self-employed graphic designer and packaged it into a framework: VISION.

Would you like to find out more? Contact me


Creative thinking and coaching, the perfect partners


Are you struggling to have a consistent flow of creative work?